Welcome to our Children's Ministry
Whenever the children of believers are baptized at Third Church, our church family promises "to receive them in love, pray for them, help them in the faith, and encourage and sustain them in the fellowshuip of believers." This communal commitment is the foundation for our Children's Ministry. It compels us to offer a range of actvities and programs through which we seek to lead our children and youth to a life of following Jesus.

Worship Center Children and Worship
Ages 3 through 2nd Grade
Children age 3 through 2nd grade meet for a children’s worship experience on Sunday mornings during the 9:30 a.m. worship service. After leaving the worship service in the sanctuary, the children meet together for a time of singing and hearing the Bible story for the day. They go to their Worship Center rooms where they encounter God through an approach to his Word, a presentation of the Word, and a response time. Worship Center runs from September until May.

Sunday Morning Classes
Grades K-6
Offered during the Faith Formation Hour (10:45 a.m. to 11:45am), this curriculum builds on the Worship Center approach, but shifts from a worship focus to an educational focus. Through discussion and activities the children are encouraged to apply the Bible to their daily life experience.
During Fall 2020 & Spring 2021, our faith formation ministries for children are temporarily in an at-home format. Curriculum material is available through our Director of Youth & Children’s Faith Formation, Caleb Vanderhill.
GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior)
Grades 2-6
A program for girls in 2nd – 6th grade, GEMS meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. from September to March. It provides spiritual mentoring and guidance through fellowship, Bible study, and community service and activities. As part of the learning process the girls are able to develop skills and work on projects.
Grades 2-6
This program is designed to provide spiritual mentoring and guidance for boys 2nd — 6th grade. It meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 p.m. from September to March. Activities include camping, snow derby, Bible study, special outings, and such activities as woodworking and model building.
Vacation Bible School
Ages 4 through Grade 5
Vacation Bible School is an outreach program offered for one week every summer for children from age 4 to those entering Grade 5. Through a range of fun activities the children learn basic Bible truths in a relaxed and enjoyable setting.
Small World Christian Preschool
Ages 3-4
This church-sponsored preschool offers a Christ-centered, developmental preschool experience. It is our goal to provide a loving and encouraging environment in which each child can discover and develop his/her own uniqueness, abilities, and develop a strong sense of self-worth.